Administrative Leadership Organizational Structure

Rochester Community and Technical College is a member of the Minnesota State system. 的 校董会 governs the statewide system of community and technical colleges and state universities.

正规赌博十大网站’s 总统 reports to the Minnesota State 总理. 的 总统办公室 is the focal point for 计划, 政策, and operational decisions crucial to institutional progress; and to fulfill the responsibilities for administration, 总统内阁由负责学院特定职能的人员组成.


的 总统内阁 is a decision-making group, 建立以设定优先事项, 建立目标和预算, and advise the 总统 on 马特ers of substantial importance to the College. (Click on titles to view the organizational charts for each area.)

杰弗瑞年代. 博伊德,艾德.D • SS204507-285-7215杰弗瑞

总统 is the chief executive of the College and executes directly or by delegation, all executive and administrative duties in connection with the operations of the College.



Aca副总裁demic Affairs (Chief Academic Affairs Off冷藏工人)
米歇尔·派弗伦,M.B.A • SS218507-285-7256米歇尔

教务处副主席 是负责发展/协调学院教学计划和监督学院认证的首席学术官吗. Academic Deans report to the Aca副总裁demic Affairs.



学生事务副主席 (Chief 学生事务 官)
特蕾莎·布朗博士.D. • SS208507-285-7217特蕾莎修女

学生事务副主席 是总学生事务主任,负责学院的学生服务范畴(例如.e., 招生, 建议, 金融援助, 和学生生活), working in close collaboration with academic affairs, 该职位负责开发连接学术和学生事务项目的机会.


Vice 总统 of Finance and 设施 (Chief Finance 官)
凯利·派弗伦,M.B.A •  SS157507-285-7472凯利

Vice 总统 of Finance and 设施 is the Chief Financial Officer with responsibility for the College’s business affairs, 辅助企业, 安全, 保安及设施.



Vice 总统 of Human Resources and Equity (Chief Human Resource & 多样性官)

Vice 总统 of Human Resources and Equity 首席人力资源官是否负责员工关系和劳动协议. 的 position serves as the College’s Affirmative Action Officer, 多样性的官, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator.


米尔韦斯·卡迪尔,E.M.B.A. • CF213 • 507-281-7787 • 

首席信息官 负责所有信息技术(包括网络安全)的技术战略领导和执行管理, 技术风险管理, administrative and academic computing, 以及媒体相关技术.


Executive Director of Communications, Marketing and External Relations
内特·斯托尔特曼,m.s.A. • EA133 • 507-536-5604 • 内特

Executive Director of Communications, Marketing and External Relations is responsible for leading the College’s marketing, 广告, public/media/community relations and communication programs, and assists in identifying goals and strategies to further the College mission.



行政助理 to the 总统
Megan Tate • SS203 • 507-285-7216 • 梅根

行政助理 支持总统,并根据总统的期望为内阁提供指导.  该职位是总统办公室的联络点,是总统与各选区团体之间的联络人/主要沟通纽带.


除了 to the 总统内阁 and 总统办公室, 院长和副院长协助院长制定学院的战略方向. (Click on titles below to view the organizational charts for the remaining areas.)

Dean of Liberal Arts and General Education
埃德·布伦达·弗雷姆.D. • M2401 • 507-280-2814 • 布伦达



Dean of Sciences and Health Professions
杰森·贾丁,男.S. • HS107 • 507-280-2816 • 杰森




马特·杜兰Interim Dean of Career, Technical, Business and 员工教育/Foundation Director
马特·杜兰德,M.Ed. •  H1004 • 507-280-3152 • 马特



Dean of 制度的有效性


Larry Frazier • SS139 • 507-280-5504 • 拉里



 (See Dean of Liberal Arts and General Education Organizational Chart above)



Associate Dean of Career and Technical Education
(空) H1005 • 507-529-2720


2022 - 23委员会


Shared governance is recognized as a significant and necessary part of 正规赌博十大网站’s operation. 以下是通过协商合同或政策来建立的,以确保共享治理.

AFSCME劳动/管理: 根据第31条, AFSCME协议第3条, 为改善学院与当地工会之间的沟通,应在当地成立劳工/管理委员会, and to serve as a forum in which issues of mutual concern can be discussed.

MAPE会面及商议: Per Article 32 of the MAPE Agreement, 此外,学院亦成立了一个本地会面及颁授委员会,以加强学院与本地MAPE联盟之间的沟通,并就双方共同关注的问题提供论坛.

MSCF Academic Affairs and Standards Council (AASC): 第8条, 第2节msf主协议, AASC的目的是提供一个论坛,让管理人员和教师就学术事务和学术标准提出所有建议.  理事会的目的是为校长指定的人(学术事务执行副校长)提供所有学术事务方面的指导, 包括课程大纲, 奖的需求, 学术标准, course and program components and the inventory of course and program offerings. 除了, 谘询委员会辖下现设有一个在本地成立的学术标准小组委员会,负责聆讯个别的学术上诉,并就个别的学术上诉采取行动,以及就重复的学术上诉制订政策建议.

MSCF Faculty Shared Governance Council (FSGC): 第8条, 第1节msf主协议, FSGC与主席和副主席举行会议,就以下主题领域向主席提出建议, 学生事务, 设施, 财务事务及一般事务.  的 Council has full authority to present the views of the faculty in these meetings. 除了, a locally established Faculty Evaluation subcommittee currently exists under FSGC with a charge of reviewing and forwarding recommended changes for the faculty 评价 process and forms; Faculty Development is charged with identifying and assisting in planning faculty 发展 opportunities, FIDG负责审查FIDG申请,并确定教员提案的资助奖励.

校园安全: 第11条, Section 2 of the AFSCME Agreement and Article 22, MAPE协议第4条, 学校成立了安全委员会,负责在校园内进行安全/健康检查, 并就学生安全的各个方面提出建议, 工作人员和访客到校园.

参议院/柜: 学生参议院执行委员会与总统内阁和学生生活主任会面,作为学生参议院分享校园运营投入的机会, 课程, 学生生活, 一般事项, and other issues of mutual concern through a forum process. 除了, 其他学生委员会由学生会成立,为学生生活相关问题提供意见.

学生操守委员会: 审查证据和证人证词,以确定是否发生违反学生行为, and determines any applicable sanction(s) if the Student Conduct Policy is violated.



  • 学生的成功: Leads and implements the College’s Strategic Goal: 学生的成功
    • Assessment of Student Learning (ASL): SEMC小组委员会, ,负责落实《十大赌博正规平台在线》所载的各项措施.
  • 制度的有效性: Leads and implements the College’s Strategic Goal: Institutional Sustainability.
  • 公平与包容: Leads and implements the College’s Strategic Goal: Diversity, 公平与包容.
  • 社区参与: Leads and implements the College’s Strategic Goal: Campus and 社区参与.


学院的每个分部都成立团队来完成特定的业务职能. 的se teams may or may not be cross-functional, depending on their charge.


  • 发展教育: 负责将正规赌博十大网站发展教育战略和倡议与明尼苏达州发展教育战略路线图(DESR)在课程领域保持一致, 放置, 二次合作, 可购性, 专业发展, 和连续. 的 committee will develop and execute a plan and share results.
  • 在线教育: 监督在线教育战略计划的实施,以及在线教育和学术技术的持续质量改进.


  • 学生成功日: Plans the 学生成功日 activities.
  • 开始计划策划毕业典礼, including recommending speakers and coordinating the evening’s event.


  • 校园安全: 见上面的合同委员会. Subgroups may also meet on specific 安全 issues, i.e.、化学卫生及实验室安全.
  • 综合设施规划根据系统政策的要求,负责更新正规赌博十大网站综合设施计划.4. (Committee work expected to conclude around October of 2022)
  • MS4(前身为雨水处理): Charged with providing feedback to the College and, 如果有必要的话, 向香港特区政府介绍现时的雨水治理措施,并在学院推广雨水治理措施,以改善整体水质.


  • 信息技术定义有效的和全校范围的IT操作政策、标准、程序和指导方针.
  • NextGen Local Transition Management Team协助系统围绕明尼苏达州下一代项目进行一系列复杂的活动和沟通.


Various academic program advisory committees also exist to advise on the design, 发展, 实现, 评价, maintenance and revision of career/technical programs within career pathways.